Postcard: Hi Mom and Dad this is great and i can't belive this little town has such a big personality. And this building is like a million years old. Well this one is litterly falling about before your eyes. It is so cool! I can't wait to see more.
 This is what the ladies wear in switzerland. And made by Calvin Klein. It is silk silver and the shoes. And is woren to dinners and partys.
 This is a black stripe three-button suit jacket. and this is how the man dress when going to a praty or a special acousen. I love this it is so sophisecated.

This is Switzerland currency looks like. As you can see a few states are surrding it. Switzerland has to be good to it's surrding states because if they don't maybe they will stop giving them their imports or stop protectin them.

 This a waterway and is a great place foe tourist because it is a great vaction spot and is great place for imports and exports. The boats are a great thing too. I think this is called botawo.
 This place is called retowa and is a great place for tourist  because the mountions and little houses. I wonder what hotel they stay inn. 
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