My postcard: Hi Mom and Dad this place is great and the buildings tell me everything about them and i am going to this on next. This one was a  battle ground for the mast powerful and worthy people. XOXO Kenny!
 This is a very famous tradition in Germany because they want every baby (new) to be baptized. And want to be holy all it's life. Some familys would like their child to be holy when they know what it means. But that is how they do it in germany.
 This is the Evil eye and  belief is that a person, otherwise not evil in any way, can harm you, your children, your house, your health and so on by looking at you with envy and/or praising you. And it is like a curse and if you have the evil eye they you have a problem. This is an very old tradaionen in many countries.
 This is one of Germany's desserts is called Red Ribbion Cake. And is very tatey from the looks of it. It can be used at birthday parties, family parties, and many more. It is just like moouse cake yjis must be very popular in Germany.  
 Sausage, of course, is a particular favorite throughout Germany and there are somewhere around 1,500 different varieties of sausages in Germany. They are known throughout the United States too. It may go great with cheese if for a sidedish. MMMMMMMM...
 This one of Germany's fashion and is black Parda dress from the 1960's. It is very good for fancey parties or whatever you like. I would like to have this in my closet that would go great with the black boots i got. This is called rimey and is made in Germany.
 This is a rare purse in Eurpore and and is made of leather and sliver. This is very popular tought and is very nice looking. It could nice with that dress.
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