Postcard: Hi Mom and Dad this countire is great and i learned so much about their history. Like France was a battle ground and is a countrie known for fight. This is the canel i took and it was a beatiful ride. Love u XOXO Kenny
 BaccalĂ  is Italian for salted cod, known in English as clipfish. And goes great with crackes. and is very popualer and used for parties.
This is a famous cheese Swiss cheese and others types. And is used in many types of ingredients. Like cheese soup and spaghetti.    
 This is brackfast for some of people in France. And is made from the freshest produce like Kiwi, Starwberries, and Blueberries. It is very good for breakfast.
 This is Louis Vittion a mini tote. It is very popular in France. And is $700.00 dollers but is very nice. Louis Vittion is very popular and is known very well.
 This is a Luios Vittion purse. and is Loius is first creations and is very fashionable in paris and very expensive. And cost around $1000.00 in America but is worth it.

 This is a great place for tourist to see it is like a palace to France. And if you want to see the finer things in france then you should see this place. I give it my regrauds.

 This is the Eiffel tower and is a worderful place to visit if you were a tourist. It is very popular in France and is the most know place in France.
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