Mmm... what am i eating it is Spain's famous eggs. They mite have these at home but they are way better here. Let me see how they are made. One of Spain's biggest draws comes in the form of its tasty cuisine. Made withe freshest ingredients like mild flavors and the perfect use of seasonings. And was past down generations to generations.
 This is called Tapas. And if you want to experience Spain's wild spicy and hot side then you should try this wonderful meal. But it was first started in Andalucia and now it is known around the world. the ingredients are wine, sherry or cold beer, a couple slices of ham.
 This is great but america had a part in making this to some of the ingredients like corn, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes first entered Europe through Andalucía and have been popular ever since. so this is very easy to make so when i get home i am going to try and make this.
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